Well, I have finally made a dream of mine happen in the production of my first CD. The recording took place this past summer and fall in both southern Alberta and the Okanagan Valley in British Columbia. Two different creeks were recorded both with the name Mill Creek! So I decided that would be the title for the CD. Thankfully there are some amazing resources out there as to the proper technique and gear that a person might try. I used an Olympus LS-10 as well as a Sound Devices 702 recorder with a semi-binaural microphone setup similar to one that was designed by Curt Olson from Minneapolis/St.Paul, Minnesota. Essentially it consists of two Audio Technica AT3032 microphones mounted on either side of a block of wood to simulate how we humans hear sound. Our ears are spaced roughly 6.5 inches apart and are about halfway around the side of our head which makes sounds travel different distances and so allowing us to locate sounds in space around us. The recordings made this way are best listened to through headphones but may also be listened through stereo speakers. Soundscape recording is really a blessing in disguise as it allows me to sit in silence and soak up the sounds of nature for far longer periods of time than I normally might. I recall hiking in the badlands near Drumheller as I was growing up and many times just sitting and listening to what nature could provide. It was, and is, very relaxing and peaceful - really it is therapy for me to escape the everyday sounds that surround me.
This CD starts by slowly fading in to the sounds of gurgling water almost like you were walking through the woods and came across the creek. Picture yourself walking slowly along the stream and needing to climb a bit higher and now being able to here a more comprehensive sound of water from both upstream and down. After half an hour or so you come slowly back down to a slow moving section with very gentle bubbling sounds and decide to just lay down with your head quite close to the water to enjoy the intimate sounds water can make and then slowly following asleep to the sounds nature has provided. The CD runs for just over 54 minutes as a single track. Now I just need to figure out how to post sound clips to this blog so you can here some excerpts.